The Yacht Club Portopiccolo is also present in the social and eco-sustainable area.
The YCPP advertises and supports social campaigns to promote sustainable behaviour aimed at saving the planet, reducing our environmental impact and improving our qualifity of life.
Charta Smeralda
The Charter Smeralda is a code of ethics to share principles and actions for the protection of the sea. We fully share the values of One Ocean Foundation, the urgency with which we must intervene to protect the environment and therefore man himself, the need to disseminate the basic principles necessary for the turning poin. At the conclusion of the One Ocean Forum that took place in Milan in October 2017, the Charta Smeralda was presented.
YCPP promotes this code of conduct to its Club members, its partners and all participants in its sporting activities.
Everyone can contribute to preserving the marine environment by signing the Charta Smeralda and pledging to follow the guidelines it contains.
R.Eco (Responsabile Ecologico di Bordo)
The he REco is the crew member who has been assigned the unprecedented task of Environmental Manager to challenge all racing crews around the world.
Their role is to ensure that the whole team respects an eco-sustainable and green attitude during the races, while respecting the sea and the environment.
In fact, “making sustainability” has always meant promoting behaviours and good habits for a positive lifestyle, for people and the environment. There can be no health for man that is not in the respect for the environment, and vice versa.