News from Club 2024
Yoga course – Timetable update

Yoga lessons continue with teacher Simonetta Marenzi.

The courses take place weekly, at the Yacht Club headquarters, with the following new times:

June – Monday from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
July, August and September – Monday from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm

The cost of a single lesson for members will be 10 €, upon reservation at the Yacht Club Secretariat at the time of registration. For non-members, the cost of each single lesson will be 12 €.

24 and 25 May - The wines of the Carso and Collio

The journey to discover the wine of our region began on Friday 24 May, tasting the wines of Carso.
It ended on Saturday 25 May with a guided tour of the “Cantina Produttori Cormòns”, tasting the Collio wines and seeing the splendid painted barrels.


Grand Soleil Vintage Cup 2024

Portopiccolo – 15/16 June 2024

Registration Form                  Notice of Race

Traversata dell’Amicizia 2024

Portopiccolo – 24/28 April 2024

30+1 Chioggia-Portopiccolo-Orsera-Rovigno-Chioggia

Trofeo Portopiccolo Classic

Portopiccolo – 01/02 June 2024

Barcolana Maxi – Trofeo Portopiccolo

Portopiccolo – 9/11 October 2024

Evenings Theme 2024

We are pleased to present the “Theme Evenings” program for the 2024 season. The evenings will be held at our Club House starting from 7.00 pm.

February 23th Journey across the ocean with Jasna Tuta
Meeting with the Trieste navigator Jasna Tuta, author of books that recount her experiences of nine years of sailing around the world

March 1st Tasting and learning about oil with agronomist Willi Mikac
Meeting with Willi Mikac, agronomist by profession and teacher at the agricultural school. He will introduce us to and taste various types of oil he produces

March 15thEvening dedicated to underwater photography with Davide Lombroso
It will testify to the beauty of seabeds not only locally, but from all over the world

April 5thRegatta rules and tactics with Sandro Fabietti and Alessandro Alberti
From their experience: the first as a regatta judge and the second as a navigation tactician. We will discuss racing rules and starting procedures

May 3rd Between sky and sea with Anna Gregorio
Meeting with Professor Anna Gregorio, an astrophysicist from Trieste with a passion for sailing.

May 24thWine tasting and knowledge
Meeting with agronomist Willi Mikac and Pierpaolo Lotto

We will provide you with detailed information for each evening.

update 03/23/2024

Theme evening - May 3rd, 2024 at 7pm

What do we sailing enthusiasts and the majestic flight of the albatross have in common?
Anna Gregorio will answer this question.
Anna is Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Trieste. Over the past decade she has coordinated the groups working on the instruments on board the European Space Agency’s Euclid and Planck missions.
Convinced sailor, passionate skier, diver and traveller….. but far from tourist destinations.

Regatta rules and techniques

The evening with the theme “Regatta Rules and Techniques” was held on Friday April 5th.
The first guest was Sandro Fabietti, our partner and regatta judge. The protagonist was followed by Alessandro Alberti, Tactician and Navigator.

Read more  ………………

What our members and the guest of our evening had in common was a profound love for the sea.
We met Davide Lombroso, award-winning underwater photographer.

Read More ………………

The first spring-themed evening ended on Friday 23 February.
Our guest was Jasna Tuta, navigator and writer from Trieste of the books “Tutti i colori della Polinesia” and “An ocean of emotions”.

Read more ………….

“The sense of well-being I feel when I am in the olive grove is what pushes me to work the plant and produce the oil. These were some of the precious words that our guest, Willj Mikac, shared on the evening of March 1st organized from our Yacht Club.

Read more ………..

Burraco Tournament - January 21th, 2024

You are all invited to the Burraco Tournament, which will be held on Sunday 21 January starting at 10 am at our headquarters.

The tournament is open to players of all levels, making the event also ideal for those wishing to approach this fascinating game for the first time. It will be a perfect opportunity to socialize and spend a fun morning in the company of our Yacht Club members.

To play we will need at least two teams made up of four people each.
Confirmation of your participation is required by indicating the number of players.

For further information or clarifications, do not hesitate to contact our Secretariat.

Opening hours of the Yacht Club secretariat

The Yacht Club Secretariat will remain open only on weekends with the following hours:

  •  Saturday        from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

update 01/03/2024       

Follow us


Sistiana 231/C

34011 Duino-Aurisina TS


CF 90146600326

P.IVA 01268530324

Telefono:   +39-338-816 4555

                   +39-040-997 7711

email: info@yachtclubportopiccolo.it

pec: ycpp@pec.it

Sito Web: https:/www.yachtclubportipiccolo.it
